Sharing the love!


Zoe shares her tips for sharing the love (and yes, you can be your own Valentine).

Valentine’s Day is here! What is your top treatment for gifting?

Everybody loves to get spoilt, so here at Harmony Skin, Beauty & Spa it would definitely be our Spa Rejuvenate Ritual. It’s a 75-minute back, neck and shoulder massage combined with a bespoke facial – the perfect combination to ease tension and leave your loved one feeling pampered and beautiful.

Personally, I’ll be having a “Gal-entines” pamper night with my single girlfriends, including Express Gel Maninicures and Pedicures, and having a giggle over a delicious platter and a glass of bubbles with our Spa-rty option getting ready for a fun girls’ night.

What are your top treatments to feel gorgeous and confident for Valentine’s weekend?

I’d be starting with a 30-minute Coconut Body Glow, which is a full body scrub followed by a creme hydration to leave skin feeling super soft, and a Power Peel for the complexion, another 30-minute treatment that really packs results!

We help select the perfect peel for your unique skin, giving you an instant boost of hydration, improved skin tone and youthful plumpness to leave you glowing. Finally, a fresh set of Classic Lash Extensions, or for those who prefer a more natural look, an Eye Enhancement Package that tints and shapes the brows and tints the lashes, is perfect for that extra special touch of glam. And with that, you’re ready for whatever the weekend has in store!


What’s the treatment on your wishlist this Valentine’s Day?

For me, I’d be thrilled to receive an advanced facial to get results, such as our Radiance Renewal Facial! I take my skincare seriously, and this 75-minute treatment includes enzymatic exfoliation, power peels and concentrated masks to make you look and feel refreshed and renewed. It also comes with all the usual indulgent facial massage elements, to have you floating out of the treatment room feeling totally relaxed.

And what’s the most popular gifting treatment at Harmony around Valentine’s Day for your clients?

Gift vouchers are definitely the most popular option! That way their partner can have fun choosing from our beautiful Spa Menu and see what appeals to them most, and perhaps indulge in something a bit different. It’s always a winner!


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